Witham Town Council manage over 100 plots over 2 sites: Cut Throat Lane and Wrights Grove. Both sites are regularly maintained and inspected by our Open Spaces team.
Having an allotment is good exercise and does wonders for your mental wellbeing as well as providing healthy fruit and vegetables. However, please bear in mind that, while it is enjoyable, having your own allotment is very time consuming and a year-round commitment. A new plot often requires a lot of hard work to get it ready for planting. Your plot will then require daily watering, weeding and maintenance in the growing season while clearing, digging and preparation will be needed over the autumn and winter period. We ask that you give this serious consideration before thinking of becoming an allotment tenant.
When a plot becomes available, the person at the top of the waiting list is invited to view the plot in its current state. If they wish to take it on they will be asked to read and sign the Allotment Tenancy Agreement and to pay a deposit of 1 years rent plus the pro rata amount to the end of the current tenancy year, which renews on 1st April.
Fees vary according to the size of the plot. Currently we charge 48p per square metre.
Tenancy Agreements typically include obligations to keep the plot clean, free from weeds and for paths to be kept tidy and free of detritus. We also require that at least 75% of the plot be cultivated during the growing season.
Our Allotment Management Policy is available to read here:
We currently have no plots available, but if you would like to join our allotment community we have a waiting list for plots. If you would like to be added to the list and are a Witham resident, you can contact us in person by visiting Witham Information Centre, by calling our offices on 01376 520627 or by emailing us on Alternatively, you can fill in our online form below: