Council Services
Which Council Do I Need?
Witham Town Council
16 Councillors across 5 Wards
Braintree District Council
8 Councillors across 4 Wards
Essex County Council
2 Councillors across 2 Wards
Responsibilities of Witham Town Council include the upkeep and management of:
The River Walk
Whetmead Nature Reserve
James Cooke Woods
The Closed Churchyard, Lockram Lane
Various Streetlights with numbers beginning 'WTC'
You can report issues regarding these items by calling 01376 520627 or visiting the Information Centre
Responsibilities of Braintree District Council include the management of:
Refuse collection
Street Cleaning
Emptying Dog Waste bins
Fly tipping
Abandoned vehicles
You can report issues regarding these items by calling
01376 552525
Responsibilities of Essex County Council/Essex Highways include the management of:
Road Signs
Traffic Lights
Street Lights (which do not have a 'WTC' number)
You can report issues regarding these items by calling
0345 743 0430