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Witham's Online Museum

At Witham Town Council, we hold a number of items of historical interest to the town that have been donated to us over the years.  We are now undergoing a project to bring these items to you in the form of this online museum.

Each week we will add something new to our online museum as we work our way through the photos and items in the Town Hall.  If you see something that you would like to have a closer look at, you are welcome to contact us and we can arrange a viewing for you in the Information Centre.


Many items have been donated to us under Witham Town Council's Public Artefact Donation Scheme. If you have any photos, written records or items that you think may be of historical interest to the town and would like to donate, please contact us or pop into the Information Centre.


If you enjoy history, you may also be interested in our page on the history of the Town Hall:

Witham Post Office

Witham Post Office

Sign letters from former Witham Post Office

Set of Britain's First Decimal Coins

Set of Britain's First Decimal Coins

Britain's First Decimal Coins

Witham Fire Brigade photos

Witham Fire Brigade photos

Three photos of Witham Fire Brigade in a frame

Town & Country sign

Town & Country sign

Town & Country Building Society sign from 61 Newland Street.

Guide to Newland Street

Guide to Newland Street

Guide to Newland Street, Witham, Essex

Paper Embossers

Paper Embossers

Old fashioned paper embossers

Chains of Office

Chains of Office

Witham Urban District Council Chains of Office

Old Braintree and Witham Times

Old Braintree and Witham Times

Braintree and Witham Times dated 14th May 1965

Dorothy Sayers Statue Unveiling programme

Dorothy Sayers Statue Unveiling programme

Programme of events for the unveiling of the statue of Dorothy L Sayer in 1994

Bramston School Pamphlet

Bramston School Pamphlet

Pamphlet Celebrating Fifty Years of The Bramston School

Town Guides

Town Guides

Witham Town Guides 1983/4-2013

News Clippings Scrap Book

News Clippings Scrap Book

Local and national news clippings from 1929-1954

Train timetables

Train timetables

Various timetables for 1926-29

Crittall Windows Factory fire notice

Crittall Windows Factory fire notice

Crittall Windows Factory notice to telephone operators in the event of fire

Commemorative Railway Medal

Commemorative Railway Medal

150 Years of the Witham-Braintree Line

Safe Driving Medals

Safe Driving Medals

30 years of safe driving medals

Witham Train Crash Postcards

Witham Train Crash Postcards

A collection of various postcards documenting the rail crash in Witham

Photograph of Newland Street Witham

Photograph of Newland Street Witham

Photograph of Newland Street dated 1900

Pamphlet on Witham Schools

Pamphlet on Witham Schools

Pamphlet on Witham Schools by M.L.Smith

Avenue House Key

Avenue House Key

The original key for Avenue House, Newland Street

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