7 Dec 2023
Witham Mayor presents hampers to Witham Food Bank
Witham Town Council is delighted to announce the overwhelming success of the Advent Hamper Scheme, an initiative that brought the community together to support those in need during the festive season.
Throughout the month of November, Witham residents answered the call to kindness as Witham Town Council launched the Advent Hamper Scheme. The appeal was simple yet powerful: individuals and families were encouraged to acquire a box and, each day leading up to December, add an item, creating a mix of non-perishable essentials and festive treats.
The Witham Information Centre served as the collection point for the hampers, with residents contributing essential groceries and special Christmas treats.
On behalf of the Town Council, Mayor Cllr Susan Ager had the honour of presenting these hampers to the Witham Foodbank, which were gratefully received.
The Mayor of Witham, Cllr Susan Ager, said “Witham Town Council have been delighted by the response to their Christmas Hamper donation scheme. We would like to thank all that took part and gave so generously”
The Witham Town Council extends its deepest gratitude to every individual and family who participated in the Advent Hamper Scheme. The outpouring of generosity has made a meaningful impact on the lives of those in need.