Have you heard
The Voice
of Witham yet?

What is it?
The Voice is Witham Town Council's quarterly periodical, bringing you the very latest goings on in our local community and shining a light on the thousands of dedicated citizens working hard on good causes. The Voice is an opportunity for you to learn more about what your Town Council is getting on with, and what the local community is concerned about.
We love nothing more than showcasing our citizen's incredible application through work, volunteering, community driven spirit and charitable work, so if you can think of something that needs to be shouted from Witham's Rooftops , then there is no better way to do it than through your local Voice!
Copies of The Voice are distributed to every home and business in Witham on a quarterly basis, free of charge. Copies can also be collected from the Town Hall's Information Centre and read online.
I want to feature something in The Voice
We're serving up everything in our local community from dog photos to days out, and we need your help to showcase Witham!
If you'd like to feature in the next edition, simply contact our editor, Shannon Smith at:
What can't we publish?
The Voice is governed by the Recommended Code of Practice on Local Authority Publicity.
This means we are unable to publish:
Stories relating to private enterprise and commerce
Commercial advertising
Party political information
Any other information in contravention with statute.
If you're not sure if you fall into any of these categories, simply contact the Editor who will be able to advise you.
The Vault of Voices Past
Download and read past editions from The Vault below now!